Prayer Meetings

Our Main Prayer Meetings are detailed here: 

  • Twice a Week Prayer Meeting -  for seeking the Lord and intercession. These are held at the church building and are on Tuesday evenings 7:30pm - 8:30pm and Friday mornings 8am - 9am. (Tuesday night can also be joined on Zoom. Contact us here for the zoom joining instructions). 
  • Prayer Breakfast Once a month. This is usually on the first Sunday of the month where we enjoy bacon butties and coffee at 9.00am and then pray together at 9:30am - 10.20am. This often has an overseas Missionary / Partner Organisation Focus and we also pray for our local concerns at CCE
  • Persecuted Church Prayer - prayer for persecuted believers once a month, usually the last Tuesday of the month at the church at 7:30pm

Special Occasional Times of Prayer:

  • Prayer half-day retreats 

We also pray at various times mixed in with other activities:

  • A small group prays before the Sunday service each week
  • During the Sunday service (A section of the service is dedicated to prayer each week)
  • During Growth Groups and Leaders Meetings
  • We will be praying about our building extension over the summer once a month after a Sunday service