Welcome! image
We are a very welcoming, encouraging church offering friendship, faith and a message of hope.

We aim to bless and help people from all cultures and stages of life - families, singles, young and old - and believe that each person is valuable, created in God's image and someone for whom Jesus died and rose again.

Our vision is to help people grow spiritually in their faith journey - and help people encounter Christ. For us, growing means knowing God better, being transformed by the Holy Spirit, becoming more like Jesus and being established and equipped. Then in turn equipping one another, building one another up, being led by the Holy Spirit and making the most of opportunities to serve and use the gifts that God has given to each of us.

We seek to teach the Bible faithfully and well - believing it to be God's Word. We believe in the importance of prayer.

We really love to serve and connect with our local community and run various activities to bless the people of Ewell and the surrounding areas. These activities are run to meet various community needs - and give us opportunity to help and bless people practically.

We are also passionate about helping children in their faith journey. We love to have fun and look forward to welcoming you and your children as we share and learn about Jesus together.
We run children's groups for different ages as well as a weekly toddler group, a dads & toddler group and Friday youth work.

We would really love you to visit us! We meet on Sundays at 10:30am at Christ Church Ewell, Cheam Road, Ewell, KT17 1AD. There is free parking in our church car park for those attending services.

Sundays 10:30AM image

This Sunday 20th October we will have a time of worship, blessing, life encouragement, Bible teaching and a challenge. This Sunday we take a break from our current series in Ephesians and will instead be looking at one of Life's Big Questions and teaching from the Bible. We would really love you to join with us! All are welcome, even if it is your first time!

If you'd like to watch on Live-stream please text 078 4090 4001 or use the contact form here

Children (School Years 3 - 6)  CLICK HERE
We run J.A.M. ('Jesus And Me') on Sundays at 10:30am at the church -
and on other days socials and fun evenings. 

Young People (School Years 7 - 13) - CLICK HERE
We run 'Seekers'  each week on Sundays at 10:30am  at the church - alternate mornings being more study, some being more fun and activities. We also run monthly socials on a Monday night.

Creche  - CLICK HERE
We have a creche for the very young and a baby changing facility - and also run two popular Toddler Groups on other days!

You-Tube Channel
For our You-Tube Channel - CLICK HERE

Please subscribe to our You-Tube channel for free here:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr0_i61YTsuhE3LaKBlgLSw?sub_confirmation=1

For our Facebook Page - CLICK HERE(and give us a like if you wish!) :

One of our more recent Facebook Videos is here:
The Parable of the Rich Fool & the question Jesus asked: 'Who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'​​​

One of our more recent Instagram Videos  is here:
The Parable of the Rich Fool & the question Jesus asked: 'Who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'​​​

Latest Audio
Audio 2024

Everyone is welcome to our 'Warm Hub' / 'Warm Welcome Space' on Wednesday mornings during 'Coffee Drop In' Sessions 10am -12 Noon at Christ Church Ewell, KT17 1AD. Free, safe, welcoming, warm. Accessible toilets, free hot drinks* and high quality biscuits (*filter coffee, various teas, hot chocolate) board games (e.g. Deluxe Scrabble, Rummikub, Chess etc), free parking (Weds am only), space to sit and chat. All ages are welcome, pre-schoolers, middle aged and senior. During Winter we have a supply of free items from the council to give to attendees (such as thermal gloves, thermal socks, electric blankets, flasks, wheat-bags - items are for both men and women). From September to May we also offer hot soup and bread (free - or donation only). Additionally at 11am there are some information notices and a very short 'Thought For The Day'. There is also a toy area for small kids and a craft table where you can do a little craft or bring your own to do. Just drop in!
Warm Welcome Space -   Link here
Warm Spaces  
Warm Hub Registered With Surrey County Council

Christ Church Ewell Toddler Group (Community Playgroup)
Weekly, during term-time, on Thursday mornings 9.30am - 11.30am
Christ Church Ewell hall, Cheam Road, KT17 1AD.

Lots of fun toys, craft, refreshments, singing and stories. 🤩🥳Ages 0-4 with parent, grandparent or carer.A friendly, welcoming group! Booking essential.
To book send a What's App message to Simon on 078 4090 4001.
Suggested donation £2.00 per family.
Free parking at KT17 1AD for duration of session.


HALF TERM (No Session)   24/10/24
HALF TERM (No Session)  31/10/24

Toddler Group image

A CHURCH FOR ALL AGES We are passionate about helping children in their faith journey. We love to have fun and look forward to welcoming you and your children as we share and learn about Jesus together.

J.A.M - School Years 3 to Year 6

Sunday mornings: Each week we run J.A.M (Jesus And Me) for Primary School kids. Kids stay in for the first part of the worship and will then go to their group just before the talk. Mid-Week: We also hold J.A.M socials (often on a Saturday) - things such as film night, a party, bowling, pottery painting and various other things! These are monthly.

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Young People - School Years 7 to 13

Sunday mornings: Every week we run 'Seekers' for teenagers. On alternate weeks the youth stay in the service until the reading and then will go out to do games and social activities. On the other Sundays they will go straight to their groups and do Bible Study or life-relevant topical discussion and group activities. Often there is a snack! Mid-week: They also have a monthly social event on Monday evenings (e.g. Ten Pin Bowling, Climbing, Crazy Golf, Film Night, Escape Rooms and various other things!)

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Creche is provided during the Sunday Service. During the service this will be in the rooms out the back near the Primary Age Kids work. However parents can also opt to stay in the service with their little ones and make use of the Rainbow Toy Room which adjoins the main meeting hall.

Urban Saints Youth

On Friday evenings we have two "Urban Saints" Youth Groups that run at Christ Church Ewell (Ages 7 - 10 and Ages 11 - 16). If you have any young people interested in Christian faith and in some great youth activities and friendships then one of these groups could be just right. The evenings include team indoor or outdoor games, quizzes, DVDs, crafts, short interactive studies and from time there will be special outings e.g. bowling, hikes and much more. Do contact us if you require more information

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On Wednesday evenings, starting September 11th @ 7:30pm, Alpha Film Series at Christ Church Ewell, KT17 1AD. Come and explore the Christian faith through high quality films and chat in groups with snacks. No pressure and no charge. Ask any question, state your own views, listen to others. Explore the meaning of life. Contact 078 4090 4001 to get more details or to book in.

Prayer Meetings

'Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare wheel?' (Corrie Ten Boom) We believe that prayer is the engine room or 'boiler room' of the church. We hold two prayer meetings mid-week on Tuesday evening at 7:30pm and Friday morning at 8am and also hold one monthly Prayer Breakfast on the first Sunday of the month at 9:00am

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Mid-Week Growth Groups

These are smaller Bible Study groups that meet once per fortnight mid-week to equip, strengthen and encourage one another to grow in our walk with the Lord. We typically follow a course based on God's Word and pray for each other. From time to time we also encourage each group to have an outward focus to think of others outside of the group and not only those within it. Various groups meet either in the day time or in the evenings.

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Mid-Week Short Courses

We offer Hope Explored (Only 3 Sessions in person or on Zoom) or longer Alpha Small Groups or Christianity Explored sessions for anyone wanting to know some basics of the Christian faith or who are exploring Christianity for the first time. We also offer Discipleship Explored for those who are a little further on in their journey of faith. we can also offer Discipleship Explored, 'Soul Man' and 'Freedom In Christ.'

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Encouragement & Fun

Please click below to see many other encouraging or fun things we do.

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What's the best future you could imagine?  

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

The structure of each session is simple: two great videos, a talk and a discussion based on the videos. Everyone is welcome. Contact us here to find out more or if you'd like to book a bespoke course.

We also run Christianity Explored from time to time which digs more deeply into Mark's Gospel
Hope Explored  & Christianity Explored image


We don't mind about your background, how much you know about the Bible, how old or young you are, whatever you've done in your past, everyone is welcome to hear about Jesus and to know him here at Christ Church Ewell.

We expect a mix of Christians and people who wouldn't call themselves Christians but are open-minded, so you are very welcome if you belong to either group!


We meet on Sundays at 10.30 a.m. with tea, coffee and biscuits available before and after.  Our services normally last around an hour and a quarter and you are welcome to stay and chat afterwards for a while.  


Christ Church Ewell is in the centre of Ewell village (opposite Sainsbury’s) on Cheam Road, Ewell, KT17 1AD
There is free parking in our church car park and also parking available in the larger public car park immediately to the left of the church or on surrounding roads.
We are roughly a 15 minute walk from both Ewell East and Ewell West railway stations.

What can I expect?

We'll usually sing a mixture of new and old songs and often have a short interactive talk or object lesson for the children. Sometimes there will be a short testimony (a real life experience) told by someone. We have prayers, a Bible reading and an engaging talk explaining and applying what we read. We believe that the Bible is God's Word for people today, so we always try to teach the Bible well and explain it in ways we can all understand and relate to.

We usually stand for the songs, but the service leader will make it clear what is happening - you can just follow everyone else!

Some services will be more creative and varied and when we do an Family Service there will be something for both children and parents and a few more activities. Sometimes a chemistry experiment or a visual demo!

We don’t take a collection, but if you wish to give towards causes we support, there is a box available near the front door.

On the third Sunday of each month, we have a service of communion where Christians share bread and wine together to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us in his death on the cross. Any who are not yet sure that they are trusting and following Jesus are very welcome to stay; the bread and wine are passed around as we sit, so you can just pass them on without taking them.

What about children?

There are activities for the children. We want the children to feel part of church so we all start the service together.  After a few songs, and often an interactive children's talk or object lesson, the children leave to their various groups for the rest of the service. In the groups they learn about Jesus in age-specific ways and with various crafts and games.

We also run some All-Age Services each term and these have more activities both for children and parents and are popular!

Is there a dress code?

We don't have any dress code, please come in whatever clothes you normally wear.

We believe the central truths of Christianity, as revealed in the Bible, including:
  • There is one holy, loving and true God
  • He exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 
  • He is the almighty creator, saviour and judge who sustains and governs all things according to his will.
Jesus Christ
  • The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fully God and fully human.
  • He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. 
  • He died on a cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth.
The Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit enables people to turn to God and trust in Jesus Christ.
  • He lives in all who trust in Christ and produces in them increasingly Christ-like character and behaviour.
  • He empowers them to live for him, serve him and make him known.
  • The Holy Spirit works in conviction of sin, conversion, regeneration and sanctification; He also works in ministry and worship, and in the exercising of spiritual gifts through the body of believers; also in empowering our discipleship and enabling our witness
The Bible
  • The Bible can be trusted because God himself inspired it.
  • In it he has revealed himself and all that we need to know to follow him and live for him.
  • Because it is God’s voice, it has supreme authority in all matters of what to believe and how to live.
  • All men and women are created in the image of God and have equal dignity, worth and accountability.
  • God created people to have fellowship with him, but we have all defied him and incurred his anger by sinfully going our own way and by inheriting at birth Adam's fallen nature.
  • Each person therefore needs to be forgiven and reconciled to God, born again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit in order to be restored to true fellowship with him.
  • Baptism by immersion of new believers; the Lord's supper (Communion) as a commemoration of our Lord's death 
  • Sinful people can be rescued from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ in their place.
  • Those who turn to God in repentance and trust in Jesus as their saviour, are forgiven, accepted by God and granted eternal life. They can experience the indwelling Spirit of God transforming and changing their way of living into holier fruitful lives.
The Church
  • The worldwide church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who trust in him belong.
The Future
  • God will bring the world to an end at his appointed time and Jesus will return in person.
  • Everyone who has ever lived will experience bodily resurrection and all will be judged.
  • Those who have rejected Jesus as their saviour will suffer eternal separation from God. Only those who have been saved by Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God in heaven.

Below is our core Leadership Team and a few other key people. However there are many other key people and volunteers not listed here who either lead or assist in a wide range of community or church-based ministries.


Simon Tucker

Our Pastor is Simon Tucker. Simon leads and works with the Leadership Team in setting the vision and prioritising emphases of the church as it moves forwards. He has a heart to reach those on the edges of church-life whilst also desiring to see others developed, trained and equipped within the church.

CCE Leadership Team

Debbie Hillman (Ministry Associate); Beverley Hinton; Jim Hinton; Simon Tucker (Pastor); Corrine Tucker; Mark Williams

The leadership team are responsible for the areas of church life, vision, ministry and oversight.


Tom & Mel Brett

Tom & Mel head up the welcome team which is comprised of many volunteers.

Mid-Week Toddler Group Team

Christine, Ann, Beverley (Toddler Group Team Leader)

Christine Winnett, Ann Barnes and Beverley Hinton make up the core Toddler leaders but are assisted also by other volunteers

Creche & Children Ages 5 - 11

Julia Todd

Julia works with other volunteers or leaders to lead the Creche and provision for children up to age of 11

Youth Ages 11-18

Joey Hillman

Joey leads with help from other leader/volunteers our teenager group (called 'Seekers')

  • Christ Church Ewell, Cheam Road, Ewell, Surrey KT17 1AD


Here you can listen online - or download and save a talk direct to your mobile device, laptop, computer or tablet.

Here you can listen online - or download and save a talk direct to your mobile device, laptop, computer or tablet.

Here you can listen online - or download and save a talk direct to your mobile device, laptop, computer or tablet.

Here you can listen online - or download and save a talk direct to your mobile device, laptop, computer or tablet.

Tony Neal - 27th December 2020 - Jesus Series - Jesus' Followers Changed The World - Phil 2 v 3 - 11.mp3

Debbie Hillman & Tony Neal - 20th Dec - Why Christmas Is Disruptive - All Age Christmas Service - Luke 1 v 39-49.mp3

Simon Tucker - 13th December 2020 - Why Christmas Changes Everything - Luke 1 v 26-38.mp3

Norman Fraser - 6th December 2020 - 'Why Christmas Needs Preparation' - Luke 1 v 5-25.mp3

Simon Tucker - 29th November 2020 - Why Christmas Is True - Luke 1 v 1-4 and 67-75.mp3

Mark Ralf - 22nd November 2020 - Jesus Really Died & Really Lived Again - John 20 v 24-30.mp3

Simon Tucker - 15th November 2020 - Ruth Series - 'Somebody Pinch Me Please' - Ruth Chapter 4.mp3

Simon Tucker - 8th November 2020 - Ruth Series - 'Looking For A Little Rest' - Ruth Chapter 3.mp3

Norman Fraser - 1st November 2020 - Ruth Series - 'In The Field Of Grace' - Ruth Chapter 2.mp3

Debbie Hillman - 25th October 2020 - Ruth Series - 'Coming Home The Hard Way' - Ruth Chapter 1.mp3

Tony Neal 18th October 2020 - Jesus Words Were Compelling - Luke 4 v 14-22.mp3

Simon Tucker - 11th October 2020 - All Age Service - The Wise & Foolish Builders - Matthew 7 v 24-27.mp3

Victoria Ikwuemesi - 4th October 2020 - Sermon On The Mount Part 5 - Balance & Perfection - Matthew 7 v 1-12.mp3

Simon Tucker - 27th September 2020 - Sermon On The Mount Part 4 - Kingdom Perspectives -Matthew 6 v 19-34.mp3

Norman Fraser - 20th September 2020 - Sermon On The Mount Part 3 - Religious Hypocrisy - Matthew 6 v 1-18.mp3

Simon Tucker - 13th Sept 2020 - The Sermon On The Mount Series - Part 2 - The Old Testament & Kingdom Demands - Matthew 5 v 17-48.mp3

Tony Neal - 6th Sept 2020 - The Sermon On The Mount Series 1 - Beatitudes - Norms for God's Kingdom - Matthew 5 v 1-16.mp3

Simon Tucker - 30th August 2020 - Reasons To Be Prayerful - Part 3 - The Spirit Emboldens Us - Acts 4 v 23-31.mp3

Simon Tucker - 23rd August 2020 - A Word Of Encouragement - Psalm 46.mp3

Gordon Mylchreest - 16th August 2020 - Reasons To Be Prayerful Part 2 - The Son Shares His Kingdom With Us - Colossians 1 v 9 - 14.mp3

Debbie Hillman - 9th August 2020 - Reasons To Be Prayerful Part 1 - The Father Knows Us - Matthew 6 v 6-15.mp3

Simon Tucker - 2nd August 2020 - Part 6 - James Caught In 2 Minds - Bringing Back A Wanderer - James 5 v13 - 20.mp3

Simon Tucker - 26th July 2020 - Part 5 - James Caught in 2 Minds - Where Does Double-Mindedness Come From - James 3 v 13 - 4 v 10.mp3

Tony Neal - 19th July 2020 - Part 4 - James Caught In 2 Minds - The Doctor Says Stick Out Your Tongue - James 3 v 1-12.mp3

Mark Thomas 12th July 2020 -Part 3 - James Caught in 2 Minds -What Kind Of Faith Saves - James 2 v 14-26.mp3

Simon Tucker - 5th July 2020 - Part 2 - James - Caught in 2 Minds - A Prescription For A Wanderer - James 1 v 16-25.mp3

Simon Tucker - 28th June 2020 - Part 1 James - Caught in 2 Minds - Tests, Trials, Temptations - James 1 v 1-15.mp3

Simon Tucker - 21st June 2020 - The Father's Heart Revealed - Luke 15 v 11-24.mp3

David Cornish - 14th June 2020 - Jesus An Extraordinary Life - Mark 5 v 21-43.mp3

Norman Fraser - 7th June 2020 - PSALMS & WISDOM - Old Testament in 7 Sentences - PSALM 23 & OTHERS.mp3

Simon Tucker - 31st May 2020 - PENTECOST - Acts 2 v 1-21.mp3

Tony Neal - 24th May 2020 - The Old Testament in 7 Sentences - THE GOSPEL - Isaiah 52 v 7.mp3

Simon Tucker - 17 May 2020 - The Old Testament in 7 Sentences - THE PROPHETS - Micah 6 v 8.mp3

Simon Tucker - 10 May 2020 - David's Choices for God - 1 Samuel 17 v 32-37.mp3

Tony Neal - 10 May 2020 - God's Choice of David - 1 Samuel 16 v 1-13.mp3

Simon Tucker - 3 May - The Old Testament in 7 Sentences - Exodus - Exodus 20 v 2.mp3

Debbie Hillman - 26 April 2020 - The Old Testament in 7 Sentences - Abraham - Genesis 12 v 3.mp3

Tony Neal - 19th April 2020 - The Old Testament in 7 Sentences - Creation - Genesis 1 v 1.mp3

Simon Tucker - 15 Mar 2020 - DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON THE CROSS - The Cross - Looking Around - Luke 23 v26 - 46.mp3

Tony Neal - 8 March 2020 - THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL PART 3 - A PERFECT FULFILMENT - John 10 v 1 - 21.mp3

Simon Tucker - 1st March 2020 - THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL PART 2 - A BETTER HOPE - Ezekiel 34.mp3

Gordon Mylchreest - 23 Feb 2020 - THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL PART 1- A GOOD START - 1 Samuel Chp 16-17.mp3


Simon Tucker - 2 Feb 2020 - THE POWER OF JESUS SERIES - GREATER THAN THE POWER OF THE HEART - Mark 7 v 14-23.mp3

Tony Neal - 26 Jan 2020 - LIGHT OF THE WORLD -A CITY SET ON A HILL IS NOT HIDDEN - Matt 5 v14-16.mp3

Simon Tucker - 12 Jan 2020 - THE POWER OF JESUS SERIES - GREATER THAN SIN - MARK 1v40 - 2v12.mp3

Norman Fraser - 5 Jan 2020 - JESUS - A REAL PERSON.MP3

Here you can listen online - or download and save a talk direct to your mobile device, laptop, computer or tablet.

Tony Neal - 29 Dec 2019 - Fruitful Living - GENTLENESS, FAITHFULNESS & SELF CONTROL - Gal 5 v 22.mp3

Simon Tucker - 25 Dec 2019 - CHRISTMAS MESSAGE - GOD'S HEART REVEALED.mp3

Norman Fraser - 22nd December 2019 - CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE - Luke 1 v26-33 & Luke 2 v 1-20.mp3

Simon Tucker - 15 Dec 2019 - Advent - JOHN THE BAPTIST CONFRONTS THE CROWDS! - LUKE 3 v 7-18.mp3

Mark Ralf - 8 Dec 2019 - Advent - THE PREACHING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST - LUKE 3 v1-6.mp3

Simon Tucker - 1 Dec 2019 - Advent - WATCHING FOR THE SON OF MAN - Luke 21 v25-36.mp3

Norman Fraser - 24 Nov 2019 - Fruitful Living 3 - GOODNESS & KINDNESS - GALATIANS 5 v19-26.mp3

Simon Tucker - 17 Nov 2019 - Malachi - Challenging Apathy - GOD'S GREAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT - MALACHI 4.mp3

Gordon Molyneux - 10 Nov 2019 - Malachi - Challenging Apathy - 'FAITH-FATIGUE' - HOW DO YOU TREAT GOD - MALACHI CHAPTER 2 v17 - 3 v18.mp3

Simon Tucker - 3 Nov 2019 - Malachi - Challenging Apathy - HONOURING YOUR COMMITMENTS - MALACHI - CHAPTER 2 v1-16.mp3

Tony Neal - 27 Oct 2019 - Malachi - Challenging Apathy - GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS - MALACHI CHAPTER 1.mp3

Simon Tucker - 20 Oct 2019 - WHAT'S IN THE NEWS.mp3

Marcus Honeysett - 6 Oct 2019 - Fruitful Living 2 - PEACE AND PATIENCE - GALATIANS 5 v 16-26.mp3

Simon Tucker - 29 Sept 2019 - Prayer - Week 5 - THE PROBLEMS OF PRAYER - PSALM 66.mp3

Norman Fraser-22 Sept 2019 - Prayer - Week 4 - THE PATTERN OF PRAYER - MATTHEW 6 v 5-14.mp3

Simon Tucker - 15 Sept 2019 - Prayer - Week 3 - THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER - PSALM 55.mp3

Declan Flanagan - 8 Sept 2019 - INDUCTION SERVICE FOR SIMON TUCKER - ECCLESIASTES 8 v 1-8.mp3

Simon Tucker - Prayer - 1 Sept 2019 - Week 2 - THE PLACE OF PRAYER - LUKE 11 v 1-14.mp3

Ali Milne - 25 Aug 2019 - Prayer - Week 1- THE POWER OF PRAYER - MATTHEW 14 v 25-36.mp3

Simon Tucker - 18 Aug 2019 - Fruitful Living 1 - LOVE AND JOY - GALATIANS 5 v 22.mp3

Debbie Hillman - 11 Aug 2019 - Abraham the friend of God -Week 5 - FAITH THAT GOES THE DISTANCE - GENESIS 22 v 1-14.mp3

Tony Neal - 28 July 2019 - Abraham the friend of God - Week 4 - EXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF GOD'S MERCY - GENESIS 18 v 16-33.mp3

Simon Tucker - 21 July 2019 - Abraham the friend of God - Week 3 - AVAILABLE TO THE LORD- GENESIS 18 v 1-15.mp3

Luke Cornish - 14 July 2019 - Abraham the friend of God - Week 2 - THE WRONG TURN! - GENESIS 16.mp3

Simon Tucker - 7 July 2019 - Abraham the friend of God - Week 1- ABRAHAM BELIEVES - GENESIS 15.mp3

Mark Thomas - 30 Jun 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 6 - TO THOSE WHO HAVE, MORE SHALL BE GIVEN - LUKE 19 v 11-27.mp3

Norman Fraser - 23 Jun 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 5 - THE LEAST SHALL BE GREATEST - LUKE 16 v 19-31.mp3

David Senior - 9 Jun 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 4- APPEARANCES CAN BE DECEPTIVE - LUKE 13 v 18-20.mp3

Ken Hobbs - 2 Jun 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 3- BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE - LUKE 12 v 13-21.mp3

Keith Halstead - 26 May 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 2 - GOD WANTS US TO BOTHER HIM - Luke 11 v 5-13.mp3

Mark Slessenger - 19 May 2019 - Tales of the Unexpected - Week 1 - LOVE YOUR ENEMIES -Luke 10 v 25-37.mp3

Norman Fraser - 12 May 2019 - Staying the Course - Week 6 - STAYING POSITIVE - ENJOYING GOD - Luke 12 v 22-34.mp3

Tony Neal - 5 May 2019 - Staying the Course- Week 5 - STAYING FRESH - THE GIFT OF REST.mp3

Victoria Ikwuemesi - 28 Apr 2019 - Staying the Course - Week 4 - STAYING OPEN TO GOD-MEDITATION & QUIET TIMES - LUKE 15 v 11-24.mp3

Glyn MacAulay - 14 Apr 2019 - Lent Series - BE MERCIFUL TO ME, LORD - PSALM 31 v 9-16.mp3

David Cornish - 7 Apr 2019 - Lent Series - OUT OF THE DEPTHS I CRY TO YOU LORD - PSALM 130.mp3

Peter Burt - 31 Mar 2019 - Lent Series - THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD - PSALM 23.mp3

Norman Fraser-24 Mar 2019 - Lent Series - COME LET US SING FOR JOY TO THE LORD - PSALM 95.mp3

Gordon Molyneux - 10 Mar 2019 - Lent Series - BLESSED IS THE ONE WHOSE TRANSGRESSIONS ARE FORGIVEN - PSALM 32.mp3

Debbie Hillman - 3 Mar 2019 - Seeking God - Studies in the life of Josiah - Week 6- SEEKING GOD BEYOND THE FINAL HURDLE - 2 CHRONICLES 35 v 20-27.mp3

Mark Ralf - 24 Feb 2019 - Seeking God - Studies in the life of Josiah - Week 5- SEEKING GOD BY REMEMBERING HIS GRACE - 2 CHRONICLES 35 v 1-19.mp3

Simon Tucker - 10 Feb 2019 - Studies in the life of Josiah - Week 3 - SEEKING GOD BY LISTENING TO HIM - 2 CHRONICLES 34 v 14-28.mp3

Norman Fraser - 3 Feb 2019 - Seeking God-Studies in the life of Josiah - Week 2 - SEEKING GOD BY WORKING TOGETHER - 2 CHRONICLES 34 v 8 - 13.mp3

Dave Cotton - 27 Jan 2019 - Seeking God - Studies in the life of Josiah - SEEKING GOD BY REJECTING EVIL - 2 CHRONICLES 34 v 1-7.mp3

Norman Fraser- 13 Jan 2019 - Staying The Course - Week 2 - STAYING THANKFUL - GIVING & HOSPITALITY - Acts 20 v32-35 -.mp3

Ken Hobbs - 6 Jan 2019 - Staying The Course - Week 1 - PRAYER & FASTING - LUKE 11 v 1-13.mp3

Hall Hire image
Trustees regret to inform further hire enquirers that we are currently unable to offer our hall for additional hires beyond the current number of various existing groups and external community clubs already using the hall during the week due to current capacity.  We apologise for this inconvenience.

Our History

Originally the church was formed around 1940 and was in the early days a Christian Brethren assembly. It had its first permanent home on the site in Cheam Road, Ewell Village, opening in 1955. It was called Staneway Chapel. The origins of the name Staneway Chapel are not known, apart from the fact that we're very near a road named Staneway. However, Staneway is named after Stane Street, the original Roman road that passed through Ewell en-route Chichester from London. Maybe it was this road that first brought the Good News of Jesus to Ewell? The Chapel flourished in its early years but then attendance declined and in 2001 the few remaining members of Staneway Chapel asked Cheam Baptist Church(CBC) to come to help them maintain an evangelical witness in the centre of Ewell village. By the middle of 2002 a team of four couples had got together and, with the blessing of CBC, transferred to Staneway Chapel taking on the day to day running of the church. Christmas 2002 saw the relaunch of the church with its new name – Christ Church Ewell. In the early stages we spent time getting to know one another; part of this was achieved with paint brushes in our hands! We also refitted the kitchen and refurbished other parts of the premises. Existing activities continued and a Toddler Group and Lunch Club were soon started. Stoneleigh Crusaders (now called 'Urban Saints') started to meet on the premises. CBC supported us in numerous ways with preachers and musicians for Sunday services and the pastor and elders were available to support the leadership team. We continue to have helpful relationships with CBC although for a number of years we have been financially and administratively separate. We work together with other local churches through ‘Churches Together in Ewell’. We have benefited over the years from informal links with the ‘London Institute for Contemporary Christianity’ and ‘Living Leadership’

Safeguarding Statement image
We recognise that:
  • We all have a responsibility to help prevent harm to children and adults with care and support needs in all their recognised forms.
  • We believe every child and adult should be valued, safe and happy.
  • We want to make sure that all those we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.
  • All children and young people have the right to be treated with respect, to be listened to and to be protected from all forms of abuse.
  • We recognise the personal dignity and rights of adults and children and will ensure all our policies and procedures reflect this.
  • We believe all people should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of this place of worship unless they pose a risk to the safety of those we serve.
  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of all those who will work with children and adults with care and support needs.

We are committed to:
  • Following statutory and specialist guidance in relation to safeguarding children and adults and will ensure that as a place of worship all workers will work within the agreed procedure of our safeguarding policy.
  • Implementing the requirements of all relevant legislation including, but not limited to: Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, Sexual Offences Act 2003, the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005, Equality Act 2010 and referring concerns about adults with care and support needs to the local authority under the Care Act 2014
  • Supporting, resourcing and training those who undertake this work
  • Endeavoring to keep up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding
  • Ensuring that everyone agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by CCE
  • Supporting all at CCE affected by abuse

We recognise:
  • Children’s Social Services has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child. 
  • Adult Social Care has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about an adult with care and support needs.
  • Where an allegations suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.
  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

We will review this statement and our policy and procedures annually.

If you have any concerns for a child or adult then speak to one of the following who have been approved as Safeguarding Coordinators for this place of worship:

Debbie Hillman
Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Ann Barnes
Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator

A copy of the full policy and procedures for CCE is available from the Safeguarding Co-ordinators or any of the Leadership Team.
Privacy Policy image
Website Privacy Policy
This website is operated by CHRIST CHURCH EWELL.
The privacy of our users is extremely important to us and therefore we encourage all users to read this policy very carefully because it contains important information regarding:
  • who we are;
  • how and why we collect, store, use and share personal information;
  • your rights in relation to your personal information; and
  • how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint.

Who we are
CHRIST CHURCH EWELL ('we' or 'us') collect, use and are responsible for storing certain personal information about you. When we do so, we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation which apply across the European Union (including the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as a 'controller' of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.

The personal information we collect and use

a. Personal information you provide to us
We collect the following personal information that you provide to us:
Name (or name that you give us), email address, telephone number (if you choose to give it), home address (if you choose to give it)
Some examples of when we collect this information include:
during an email dialogue or phone call

b. Sensitive personal information
Sensitive personal information includes any information which relates to the following:
  • your religious beliefs;
We may request that you provide sensitive information, but if we do, we will in every instance explain why we are requesting it and how we intent to use it. We will only collect your sensitive personal information with your explicit consent.
Some examples of when we may request sensitive personal information include:
religious beliefs arising via an email discussion about faith online

c. Personal information you provide about third parties
If you give us information about another person, you confirm that the other person has appointed you to act on their behalf and agreed that you:
  • shall consent on their behalf to the processing of their personal data;
  • shall receive any data protection notices on their behalf;
  • shall consent on their behalf to the transfer of their personal data abroad; and
  • shall consent on their behalf to the processing of their sensitive personal data.

d. Monitoring and recording communications
We may monitor communications such as emails and telephone calls for the following purposes:
quality of communication with you and our compliance of data protection

How we use your personal information
We collect information about our users for the following purposes:
to identify the user and manage communication with them for the purposes of dealing with enquiries they have sent us

Who your information may be shared with
We may share your information withlaw enforcement agences in connection with any investigation to help prevent unlawful activity.
We will not share you personal information with any other 3rd parties.

We may like to send you information about some of our events or activities as a church which may be of interest to you. Such information could be sent by post, email, telephone, text message or what’s app message.
If we ask whether you would like us to send you marketing messages it will be during the course of an online conversation with you and will only be with your consent. If you do opt in to receive such marketing from us you can opt out at any time (see 'What rights do you have?' below for further information). If you have any queries about how to opt out, or if you are receiving messages you do not want you can contact us using the details provided below.

Required personal information
No personal information has to be provided by you to us at any time.

How long your personal information will be kept
We will hold your personal information for the following periods:
Name, email address, phone number, house address - 2 years or less
These periods will be no longer than necessary in each case.

Reasons we can collect and use your personal information
We rely on the following as the lawful basis on which we collect and use your personal information:
(1). consent;
The basis upon which we process your sensitive information (i.e. special category as defined in the GDPR) is:
(1). the explicit consent of users;
(2). that we are a non-for-profit organisation and the processing of this sensitive information is undertaken in the course of our legitimate activities and is not disclosed to any third-parties without the consent of the data subject.

Consequence of our use of your personal information
The consequence to you of our use of your personal information is:
This will be simply to communicate with you about your request or enquiry. We may ask you if you wish to receive any emails or texts or whats app messages about events we put on - but only with your consent

Keeping your information secure
We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.
Indeed, while we will use all reasonable efforts to secure your personal data, in using the site you acknowledge that the use of the internet is not entirely secure and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data that are transferred from you or to you via the internet. If you have any particular concerns about your information, please contact us using the details below.

Transfers of your information out of the EEA
We will not transfer your personal information outside of the EEA at any time.

Children / Teenagers and the validity of consent
Where we obtain consent from any user we will take reasonable steps to ascertain whether the user is 18 years of age or over. If the user is under 18 years of age we will advise that such communication / requests be referred back to parent/guardians or relevant / appropriate authority as we will not be able to continue communicating.

What rights do you have?
Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have a number of important rights free of charge. In summary, those include rights to:
  • fair processing of information and transparency over how we use your use personal information
  • access to your personal information and to certain other supplementary information that this Privacy Notice is already designed to address
  • require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold
  • require the erasure of personal information concerning you in certain situations
  • receive the personal information concerning you which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to a third party in certain situations
  • object at any time to processing of personal information concerning you for direct marketing
  • object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you
  • object in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal information
  • otherwise restrict our processing of your personal information in certain circumstances
  • claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws
For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on individual's rights under the General Data Protection Regulations (http://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/individual-rights/)
If you would like to exercise any of these rights please:
  • email, call or write to us
  • let us have enough information to identify you
  • let us know the information to which your request relates
From time to time we may also have other methods to unsubscribe (opt-out) from any direct marketing including for example, unsubscribe buttons or web links. If such are offered, please note that there may be some period after selecting to unsubscribe in which marketing may still be received while your request is being processed.

How to complain

We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information.
The General Data Protection Regulation also gives you right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the European Union (or European Economic Area) state where you work, normally live or where any alleged infringement of data protection laws occurred. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner who may be contacted at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/ or telephone: 0303 123 1113.

Changes to the privacy policy
This privacy policy was published on 3rd March 2021 and last updated on 3 March 2021
We may change this privacy policy from time to time. You should check this policy occasionally to ensure you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time you access this website. We will also attempt to notify users of any changes by email.

Contacting us
If you have any questions about this policy or the information we hold about you, please contact us by:

E-mail: simon@christchurchewell.com


Christ Church Ewell
Cheam Road
KT17 1AD